Benefits of Oxygenation Treatment On The Face January 7, 2019When it comes down to it, let’s face it, there is no secret cure to perfect skin. We are all human and are all prone to imperfections. There’s no way...
Benefits of Vaginal Care and Rejuvenation January 1, 2019When it comes to the topic of female genitalia, many will stray away and become shy. There seems to be a lot of things that are unknown by most about...
Try Our Co2Lift Mask To Reduce Dark Circles & Wrinkles Around The Eyes December 24, 2018Have you ever thought about getting an eyelift, but don’t go through with it because of the surgery involved? Well, there is finally something you can look into that will...
The Rejuvenation Benefits of The C02Lift December 17, 2018Everybody is searching for the elusive fountain of youth. While that search is still ongoing, there is a man-made, innovative way to heighten the health of your skin and decrease...
Everything You Need To Know Before Trying CarboxyTherapy Treatments December 10, 2018Cellulite, stretch marks, and dark under-eye circles are all unwanted things that can occur on your body. However, women have been struggling with finding a permanent cure for these problems...
Benefits Of Oxygen For The Skin December 3, 2018The best skin is the skin that is taken care of! Us at Lumisque, we are masters in oxygen skin care. Whether that is from an oxygen facial or oxygen...